The IFT is governed by a triennial convention at which all federation members are represented by elected delegates of our unions. Convention delegates set broad policies and goals for the union movement and every three years elect the IFT officers—the President, Executive Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Vice Presidents. These officers make up the IFT Executive Board, which debates and passes resolutions defining the union’s position on many issues.
As a member, you are part of your local union, the IFT with over 100,000 members, AFT comprised of more than 1.4 million members, and the 10 million strong AFL-CIO.
As the IFT grows, the need for qualified professionals to join our ranks as staff also grows.
IFT's constitution contains the fundamental principles which govern the operation of our organization.
IFT is committed to building power and engaging in social and economic issues. There are multiple ways to get involved in this important work.