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VOTE like your rights depend on it!

Early voting is open through November 7

The 2022 General Election is critically important in Illinois and turnout is likely to be high. Make your voice heard and avoid the lines at the same time by voting early.

In-person early voting begins today in most Illinois counties. Early voting is typically conducted at your County Clerk’s office, but check here to see where and when you can vote early in your area.

If you’d prefer to vote contact-free, apply to vote by mail. Applications must be received by November 3.

No matter how you choose to vote, we urge you to understand what’s at stake for Illinois workers and our families before you mark your ballot.

The Workers’ Rights Amendment (WRA) will be the first question and for good reason – passing this measure would guarantee that all workers have the fair and basic rights to unionize and collectively bargain by enshrining them in the Illinois Constitution. The IFT urges you to vote YES!

The WRA would further empower educators and school staff to put students first by negotiating for smaller class sizes, improved technology, and additional classroom resources. It would also improve worker and public safety by protecting employees’ rights to speak out about dangerous conditions, like food safety issues and low hospital staffing.

There are important federal, state, house, senate, and judicial races on the ballot as well. Visit the IFT website to find the complete list of candidates who have earned the IFT’s support in this General Election. (You can even print out this list to take to your polling place.) Every IFT endorsed candidate has been thoroughly vetted through our union’s democratic, transparent Political Action Committee (PAC) process and has demonstrated a strong commitment to collective bargaining rights, vital state services, and public education.

Vote like your rights depend on it – because they do! Make your plan today to vote early in person, by mail, or on November 8.

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