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Summer 2023 issue of Union Link

Union Link — The IFT’s newsletter is produced multiple times throughout the year and links you to news, legislation, ideas, and opportunities important to the union.

You can read a digital version below and read past issues by selecting the Union Link tab on our news page.

Cover of the summer Union Link newsletter including strike signs from the university professionals of illinois

Highlights in this issue include:

Concurrent Local 4100 strikes achieve gains for students, faculty, and staff

April’s famous “showers” came in the form of concurrent strikes this year

for three chapters of the University Professionals of Illinois (UPI, Local 4100) and a fourth walkout was authorized but averted just hours before members took to the picket lines.

Illinois higher education funding is broken - evidence-based funding is the fix

Illinois has a serious problem with higher education funding. It is urgent that we find a solution. An evidence-based funding (EBF) model is the answer. Just like they did for our

public PreK-12 schools in 2017, Illinois lawmakers should consider taking this path

for higher education.

Big wins for public education

IFT members from Waukegan to Quincy knocked on thousands of doors, made countless phone calls, and hosted virtual and in-person events. You understood what was at stake and worked to make a difference.

Legislative highlights for spring session

The Illinois General Assembly wrapped up its spring legislative work on May 27.

Illinois makes history by prohibiting book bans

Illinois has become the first state to officially end the practice of banning books.

We made history together

April 4, 2023 was truly an historic day for Chicago and our state! For the first time, a public school teacher and union organizer was elected to lead our proud, working class city.


  • AFT Summer Educator Academy (in-person), July 9-15

  • AFT Summer Educator Academy (virtual)

  • Reclaiming Assessments Workshop, July 11-13

  • Supporting Students with Grief & Loss (webinar), July 18

  • AFT TEACH Conference, July 21-23

Featured Member Benefit

  • Retiring Wisely - As your union the IFT is your partner and advocate, from your first day on the job until the day you retire — and beyond.


We want to hear from you!

Have a story you'd like to see highlighted in Union Link? Contact us at

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