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Union Link | Convention Report 2022

Every three years, delegates from IFT locals around the state gather at convention to represent their colleagues and make important decisions that set our state federation’s policies and direction. In October, about 500 delegates, leaders, and staff met in St. Louis under the theme “Together.”

A commemorative convention report was produced for the event to highlight our union’s growth and the accomplishments of our locals, councils, and members since 2019. To ensure that every IFT member can share in our collective success, we have created this special

Highlights include:

Growing our membership

We worked harder than ever to BUILD the IFT into a union that empowers members and is fair and welcoming to all.

Making the ultimate sacrifice

We’ve also harnessed our power to ACT collectively and secure incredible wins that improved our contracts and professions.

Advancing equity and inclusion

We have proudly – and powerfully – taken the LEAD to advocate for a host of social justice issues.

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