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The power of your union membership

Together we are #IFTSTRONG!

Dear Member, As a member of your local union, you've undoubtedly experienced the value of belonging to your union and the Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT). But as the summer months speed by, now is a good time to reflect upon how our union keeps us ALL strong. Throughout the pandemic, the IFT successfully helped to protect members, students, and communities across the state by demanding safe schools and workplaces and insisting that employers followed the science. At the same time, we organized hundreds of new members and increased our power to help the IFT better advocate for you and those you serve. But far-right extremist groups like the Illinois Policy Institute don't want you to know the truth about the countless benefits our union provides to you and your community. You may have seen their lies about union membership in the media or your mailbox. The truth is that these groups are funded by the likes of the Koch brothers and big corporations who get richer when working people like you lose your voice in your profession and workplace.

By standing together with your colleagues in our union, you can make sure that doesn't happen!

I encourage you to visit #IFTSTRONG. Here you can refresh your knowledge of the many ways we work together in our union to support you and those you serve — by fighting for adequate and equitable funding for schools and state services, advocating for students and families, protecting members from employer discrimination, securing fair wages and benefits, protecting your hard-earned pension, advancing equity and racial justice, and much more. Among the information and resources you'll find on #IFTSTRONG are:

I hope you'll take the time to check out this page and share the #IFTSTRONG message!

Contact your local or council leader or your IFT field service director with any questions. As always, I thank you for all you do to keep our union #IFTSTRONG.

Enjoy the rest of your summer!

In Solidarity,

Dan Montgomery, IFT President

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