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The most important election of our lifetimes

For most IFT members, this year has presented us with some of the greatest challenges we’ve ever known. From the personal, professional, and economic impacts of the pandemic to the senseless killings of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and so many other Black and Brown people by police, 2020 has been a year unlike any other.

But on November 3, we have an opportunity to make real change. There has never been a more critical time for every one of us to demand that our nation be better.

This truly is the most important election of our lifetimes.

On the national level, we must decide whether to reelect President Trump and continue down the worsening paths of public health, economic, and racial justice crises we’re currently on, or to begin to heal our wounds and build a better future for every American. We can do that by electing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It is no exaggeration to say that under Trump, our republic is at risk: At this writing, we have lost 175,000 Americans; schools and colleges are unable to re-open; the economy is in a catastrophic freefall; and we have social unrest in the streets as Trump doesn’t try to heal our racial strife—he seeks to worsen it.

Joe Biden has the strength, experience, and compassion needed to fix what is broken in our country at this unprecedented time.

Together with a more progressive Senate, Biden will help us overcome this devastating public health crisis, restore our economy, and unite us after four long years of turmoil and division. As a proven advocate for working men and women, Biden will work with us to achieve common goals. And he is dedicated to supporting public education at all levels, not tearing it down as Trump and DeVos have blatantly (and proudly!) done.

Perhaps most of all, Joe Biden will return us to the culture of honesty and decency we knew under President Obama. We need a leader who makes us proud again. Joe Biden will be that leader.

This election is just as critical here in Illinois.

We have a chance to improve the lives of every family in our state by fixing a broken tax system that has long benefitted the rich and harmed the rest of us. We can do that by voting YES on the Fair Tax constitutional amendment.

By simply asking the wealthiest among us – the 3 percent who earn more than $250,000 per year – to pay their fair share, the Fair Tax will:

  • Generate more than $3 billion per year for schools, healthcare, and critical services that Illinoisans rely on;

  • Provide a tax cut or require no increase for 97 percent of Illinoisans;

  • Reduce property taxes; and

  • Lift the current tax burden off lower-and middle-income families.

Imagine an Illinois with adequately funded schools and public services and thriving communities. We can have that with a Fair Tax. I urge you to vote YES for fairness and to tell your colleagues, friends, and family to do the same.

Inside this special issue of Union Link, you’ll find more reasons why this election matters so much. Please check out the list of our union’s endorsed candidates; they were made after a thorough and thoughtful process involving your fellow members and elected leaders.

On a final note, I want to offer my deepest gratitude and admiration to every single IFT member during these trying times. I know right now you are deeply concerned about being back in school or at the workplace; I want you to know that your union supports you and will continue to fight alongside you to ensure your safety and best interests are protected.

I remain proud and grateful to be able to lead our amazing union of professionals.

Stay well. And VOTE!

In solidarity, Dan Montgomery | IFT President

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