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The Illinois Senate votes to override Rauner's school funding reform veto

The Illinois Senate voted Sunday to override Governor Rauner’s amendatory veto of Senate Bill 1 by a vote of 38-19. The bill now moves to the House.

The Illinois Senate voted Sunday to override Governor Rauner’s amendatory veto of Senate Bill 1 by a vote of 38-19. The bill now moves to the House, which is scheduled to be back in Springfield on Wednesday, August 16. It’s unclear if that’s the day they will vote on SB 1. Read IFT’s response to the IL Senate override of SB 1 here. The Governor’s veto of SB 1 is an effort to pit children and districts against one another. SB 1 is an historic opportunity to do what is right for students in every district, giving them the resources they need to succeed. The Governor’s amendatory veto (AV) strips away the promise of equitable and adequate funding and returns Illinois to a system of picking winners and losers. The Governor uses phony accounting to shirk the state’s responsibility to school districts that are already underfunded. Additionally, the Governor’s AV removes protections that would require the state to continue investing additional resources in struggling school districts. Please call 217.733.5010 to encourage your State Representative to fund our schools by voting to override the Governor’s veto of SB 1. An override is important because, while the legislature voted to override Rauner’s veto of SB 6 and give Illinois its first budget in more than two years, there was a catch. SB 6 requires the state to pass an evidence-based education funding reform plan in order to fund schools for the 2017-18 school year. CALL 217.733.5010 TODAY!

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