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Latin School Educators Vote to Join IFT

Chicago – Last night, the 190 faculty members at Latin School of Chicago voted to form a union to ensure faculty have a voice in school decision-making. The new Latin School Union is affiliated with the Illinois Federation of Teachers.

“We are thrilled to see the results of this vote,” said Brandon Woods, an Upper School English teacher at Latin School and member of the union organizing committee. “We have known for some time that we had to take action to raise our voices as educators to advocate for our students and for learning at Latin. Forming a union was the logical choice for us.”

The union will include faculty at all three schools within Latin: Upper, Middle, and Lower Schools.

“The Illinois Federation of Teachers is proud to welcome the Latin School Union into our organization. These educational professionals decided that unionizing is the best way to have their voices heard, despite intense anti-union pressure from management," said Illinois Federation of Teachers President Dan Montgomery. "We applaud them for their courageous and determined work to realize their goals in service of Latin students, Latin’s distinguished legacy, and Latin’s best future."

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