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IFT recommends candidates in 2020 General Election

The November 3 election will be a critical one for our members and our communities. At this difficult and unprecedented time, our nation needs a leader who puts people before his personal politics. In Illinois, we need to pass a Fair Tax that will help lower- and middle-class families and elect lawmakers to office who share our goals and values, including ensuring adequate funding for education at all levels and the public services Illinoisans rely on.


To help members understand which candidates are committed to standing up for workers and our professions, this week the IFT Executive Board finalized candidate endorsements for the 2020 General Election. (To view federal endorsements, use the password iftvotes.) These endorsements are made after members around the state weigh in with their feedback about candidates through our democratic Political Action Committee (PAC) process.


Joe Biden, vice president under President Obama and a veteran lawmaker, earned the IFT’s endorsement for President.


“Joe Biden has a proven record of advocacy for public education and the professionals who serve our students,” said IFT President Dan Montgomery. “A longtime and vocal supporter of the rights of working people and a powerful labor movement, Biden has the strength, experience, and compassion our nation needs to lead us out of this healthcare crisis and put our economy on the road to recovery. We’re proud to stand with him.”


Biden has also received the nod from our national union, the American Federation of Teachers.


In other critical races, the IFT has endorsed Rep. Nathan Reitz for reelection to the Illinois House in the 116th district and Karina Villa for Illinois Senator in the 25th district.

Your voice matters in this election, and so does your safety! The IFT strongly encourages you to vote early and/or by mail; early voting begins on September 24.


Watch your inbox and the new IFT website in the days ahead for additional information on the candidates and the issues in this election. To learn how you can get involved, click here.

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