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Heading back to work - SAFELY

With the summer ending and many IFT members returning to classrooms and offices, we want you to know that your safety remains the union’s top priority!

Throughout the pandemic, IFT leaders and staff have worked tirelessly to advocate for the well-being of members and those you serve. You can rest assured that support will continue as the Delta variant surges here in Illinois and around the country.

As part of our commitment to help every member return to in-person work safely, the IFT has created Support for COVID-19, a web page of resources that we hope you’ll use to help protect yourself, your family, and your community.

On this page you’ll find:

Vaccination information designed to bust myths and set the record straight

Share graphics to help spread the word about the importance of getting vaccinated

• Resources to support your physical and mental health

Learning resources for students, teachers, and parents

• And more!

You’ll also find the IFT COVID Tracker, an online tool you can use to report cases or unsafe conditions in your school or workplace. We urge you to use this tool to help the IFT stay alert to outbreaks across the state so we can effectively advocate for you and your colleagues.

In addition to vaccinations, the IFT strongly believes that a layered approach in our schools and workplaces is the best way to keep our communities safe. We know that keeping members informed is a critical part of that approach.

Until this pandemic is over, our fight to protect one another will continue. Please visit the IFT’s for the resources you need to do your part. You can rest assured your union will do the same.

Working together, we will help keep everyone safe and #IFTSTRONG!

Together in our union, we have the power to keep our students and communities safe. Learn more about the benefits of being #IFTSTRONG!

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