February 1 - 5, 2021
At our last statewide convention in 2019, delegates to the Illinois Federation of Teachers passed Resolution 25, declaring our union's support for the Black Lives Matter at School campaign. Since then, our union and locals have been working in many ways to make progress in the fight for a more just union and society.
You can help!
This year, Black Lives Matter at School Week occurs February 1-5 during the first week of Black History Month. Here’s how you can participate:
If you’re an educator, teach lessons that relate to the principles of the Black Lives Matter movement. For inspiration, you can find resources here. AFT also offers resources on Share My Lesson, including Black History Month Ideas, the Black Lives Matter Movement, and Comparing Black Lives Matter and the Civil Rights Movement.
Show your support by downloading these IFT/BLM at School virtual backgrounds to use on all your Zoom calls: Pledge, BLM, I Stand Against Racism.
Read the book, “Black Lives Matter at School: An Uprising for Educational Justice”, and post a photo of yourself with it on your social media accounts. Use the hashtag #BlackLivesMatterAtSchool and tag @BLMAtSchool and @iftaft. Or email your photo to us at info@ift-aft.org.
Post what you and your local or council are doing to recognize Black Lives Matter at School Week on social media. Again, use the hashtag #BlackLivesMatterAtSchool and tag @BLMAtSchool and @iftaft or email photos and stories to info@ift-aft.org.
For more information, check out IFT's Black Lives Matter at School resources and follow @BLMAtSchool, or contact your local’s IFT Field Service Director.
Thank you for supporting this important movement!