IFT understands the time you have devoted to learning, planning, and transitioning to remote instruction in response to COVID-19. Under challenging circumstances, you learned new instructional technology, collaborated with colleagues to convert lessons to remote learning formats, and participated in online training. As IFT members always do, you put your students first!
To recognize your work, the IFT is now providing Professional Development (PD) clock hours for license renewal for PD activities you engaged in to prepare for remote learning.
These clock hours are available for learning experiences you engaged in from March 16 - September 7.
This benefit is only available to IFT members.
To access the submission form, click on “MY IFT” at the bottom of the IFT website, then click on “Professional Development Credits.” (You will be required to enter the email address where you receive IFT communications, as well as your IFT membership number. Contact your local IFT office if you need assistance.)
You may earn up to 24 total PD hours – this will require multiple submissions. Each submission must describe different, unique activities. (Duplicating the same activity will not be accepted.)
PD hours will be provided for the research, planning, and professional learning you engaged in to prepare for remote learning. The IFT cannot award PD credit for actual teaching and/or instruction delivered to students.
Click here to apply for PD credit. Please read the instructions on the form carefully. Failure to follow the instructions may result in your submission being rejected.
The deadline to apply for this PD credit is October 7.
Thank you for all you do to support our students and communities!