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join the movement

Organizing a union in your workplace is about gaining more rights and more power. Thousands of working people—all across the country and in all kinds of jobs—organize unions every year because being a union member is the most effective way to advocate for yourself, your profession, and those you serve.

If you and your colleagues are not organized, there are many important reasons you should consider joining the IFT family.

join the movement

If you are a new employee at an Illinois school, college, university, or in some state agencies, you may already be an IFT member! Find out who your building representative or worksite leader is and inquire about whether your colleagues have already organized a union and joined the IFT.


As a member, you are part of your local union, the IFT with over 100,000 members, AFT comprised of more than 1.4 million members, and the 10 million strong AFL-CIO.

Empower yourself. Check your voter registration status, register, find IFT-endorsed candidates, and other useful voter tools and resources.

IFT offers a wide variety of professional development programs taught by union members and staff who have been specially trained to meet your training needs.

IFT is committed to building power and engaging in social and economic issues. There are multiple ways to get involved in this important work.

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