inspiring stories
Here we recognize our members who are #IFTSTRONG – people who are using creativity, compassion, and (socially-distanced) collaboration to get through this crisis and who are there for their students, colleagues, and communities while maintaining a sense of humor and humanity.
Share your story with us: how are your locals, councils, and chapters stepping up in your schools and community? Tag @iftaft on social media to let us know, or email info@ift-aft.org. Tell us how you're #IFTSTRONG.

Winthrop Harbor Council (Local 504)
Winthrop Harbor members took to Instagram to reach out to their students in this creative way.

District 88 Council of West Suburban Teachers Union (Local 571)
Brett Blair doesn't let distance stop him from teaching poetry to his class.

Waukegan Teachers Council (Local 504)
Two Waukegan members, Margot Gillin and retiree Mary Colver, have been busy sewing masks to donate to Waukegan Public Schools.

West Suburban Teachers Union (Local 571)
Since mid-March, Kyle Stern, a 19-year math teacher, council president, and member of the West Suburban Teachers Union (Local 571), has written at least one letter, card, or postcard to every student. He’s also written to former students he taught or coached. He’s sent birthday cards, notes of recognition for excellent work during this online learning period, and words of encouragement to students who are having a difficult time during the pandemic.

Grant-Illini/Dist #110 Federation of Teachers Council of the Southwestern Illinois Federation of Teachers (Local 6600)
Members came together to make a donation to their local food bank to help families in need in their community. In addition to a cash donation, the union donated 67 pounds of food! Teamwork makes the dream work!

Waukegan Paraprofessional Council (Local 504)
Waukegan Paraprofessionals helped pack tables full of boxed lunches to deliver to their students.

Illinois Federation of Public Employees (Local 4408)
Mechanic Craig Wilkinson working hard on IDOT vehicles to keep them running during the coronavirus shutdown.

Shiloh Federation of Support Personnel (Local 6425)
Members are following the governor’s Executive Order by wearing their masks while working to serve students lunch.

Belleville Area Spec. Services Cooperative Employees Union (Local 6143)
Joel Gherardini is doing his part making masks.

Belleville H.S. Federation of Teachers and Support Staff (Local 434)
Belleville members and District 201 have installed mobile hot spots in school buses deployed to various locations throughout the district for students to access their e-learning work. Buses have a Wi-Fi radius of 350 feet, so students can maintain social distancing while using the hot spot. This smart solution was even mentioned on national news!

Vernon Hills Council of Lake County Federation of Teachers (Local 504)
Our teachers are truly dedicated to their students! Jennifer Tye made a home visit to explain a math problem to this student.

Illinois Federation of Public Employees (Local 4408)
Carlton Merritt, a vehicle emissions compliance inspector is working remotely to help keep Illinoisans and our roads safe during this crisis.

Lake County Federation of Teachers (Local 504)
Prairie Crossing Charter School teachers sent a message of positivity to their students.

Chicago Teachers Union (Local 1)
Seniors in high school are coming to grips with the fact that the end of the year (and their high school experience) will not be the same as it was for others before them. Watch the heartfelt video below from Chicago Teachers Union President Jesse Sharkey sharing advice about this with his own son.

Prairie Hill Federation of Teachers (Local 4423)
Members have been busy reaching out to their students. They collaborated with administrators to send postcards to their school families that contained a QR code linking to a video. The teachers also coordinated a parade with bus drivers, parents, administrators, and local police to say hello to their students.